Events Calendar

Racers at this beautiful reservoir will have 1 mile, 2 mile and 5K swim options. The swim will be at Willow Creek Reservoir northwest of Granby, Colorado. All swimmers must be capable of completing the distance you have entered and must be able to complete your respective event within the given cut-off time.
1 Miles – 1 hour
2 Miles – 2 hours
5K - 3 hours
The race will start as a mass in-water "wet" start. There will be a seperate Race Start for the 1 Mile and the 2 mile & 5K. Swimmers have the option to do both the 1 Mile and either the 2 Mile or 5K.
All packet pickup will be the morning of the swim. Please plan to come and pick up your packets early!
1-mile (1/2 lap)
2-mile (1 lap)
5-mile (1.5 laps)
Take Highway 40 to Granby. Drive North from Granby on Highway 34 as if you were driving to Rocky Mountain National Park.
Turn Left (west) on County Road 40 before you get to Lake Granby. Follow Signs to Willow Creek Reservoir.
Top three overall male & female non-wetsuit
Top three overall male & female wetsuit
08:00 AM – 1M Swimmer Check-in/Packet Pickup starts
09:00 AM – 1M Swimmer Check-in/Packet Pickup closes
09:30 AM – 1M Race Start
10:30 AM – 2M & 5K Swimmer Check-in/Packet Pickup closes
10:45 AM – 1M Awards
11:00 AM – 2M & 5K Races Start
1:00 PM – 2M & 5K Races End
1:15 PM – 2M and 5K Awards
REGISTRATION - Tee shirts are not guaranteed after July 14, 2025.
Registration Closes Wednesday July 30, 2025 at 11:59PM.
Early Bird Pricing* (ENDS MARCH 1, 2025)
1-Mile - $88.51 ($80 + $5.81 Movemint Fee )
2 Miles - $96.41 ($90 + $6.41 Movemint Fee)
5K - $107.02 ($100 + $7.02 Movemint Fee)
1 Mile & 2 Miles - $149.42 ($140 + $9.42 Movemint Fee )
1 Mile & 5K - $160 ($150 + $10.02 Movemint Fee)
Regular Registration Pricing*
1-Mile - $91.10 ($85 + $6.10 Movemint Fee )
2 Miles - $101.70 ($95 + $6.70 Movemint Fee)
5K - $112.30 ($105 + $7.30 Movemint Fee)
1 Mile & 2 Miles - $160.00 ($150 + $10.00 Movemint Fee )
1 Mile & 5K - $170.60 ($160 + $10.60 Movemint Fee)